Term 1 Week 8- 2025
From the Principal

As we slowly approach the end of term, our students are preparing for their classroom assessments. Assessment plays a crucial role in tracking student progress, identifying strengths, and highlighting areas for growth. It provides teachers with valuable insights to tailor learning experiences and ensures students are meeting key learning outcomes. While assessments can sometimes feel overwhelming, they also offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and celebrate their achievements. We look forward to seeing the wonderful work from our students and celebrating their progress.
Our Year 3 and 5 students have now completed their NAPLAN testing, and we congratulate them on their efforts! Well done to all involved!
In previous years, we have held Parent-Teacher Meetings in Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 1. However, due to upcoming Professional Development for our staff and the Year 5 & 6 camp, we have decided to schedule interviews in the first two weeks of Term 2. Bookings will be available via COMPASS in the coming weeks, and we encourage all families to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss their child's progress with their teacher.
Our Year 5 & 6 students will head off on camp in Week 10, and families have begun their fundraising efforts through the Touch Dinners each Monday night. If you are able to assist with cooking or serving, please reach out to the school—we truly appreciate the support of our school community in making this camp possible.
Miss Howie has done a fantastic job organising fundraising events for Project Compassion this term. Project Compassion is an annual initiative run by Caritas Australia, dedicated to supporting vulnerable communities both in Australia and around the world. Funds raised go towards providing essential resources such as clean water, education, and sustainable development programs for those in need.
This Friday, we are excited to host our St Pat’s Disco at the Parish Hall from 6-8pm, with all proceeds going directly to Caritas. It promises to be a fun-filled evening, and we hope to see many of our students there supporting this worthy cause!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Sharn Greenaway,

School TV Topic of the Week- Diet & Nutrition
We all know that diet and nutrition is vital to your child’s development and growth, but are you aware of the effects it has on your child’s brain development and how it can impact their academic achievement?
In this era of convenience, it is easy to reach for pre-packaged and processed foods to cope with busy schedules. However, these foods are usually packed full of sugar and salt which can have adverse health effects. Making a habit of reading food labels can help reduce the risks. It can also help to stabilise your child’s energy, improve their mood, maintain a healthy weight and improve their general wellbeing.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice for teaching your kids about the benefits of incorporating a healthy diet and good nutrition.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Diet & Nutrition edition of SchoolTV

Student Of The Week

Week 7
P/1: Declan McClymont
2/3: Jimmy Crozier
4/5/6: Bella Harriman
Week 8
P/1: Hanna Price
2/3: Ashin Alwin
4/5/6: Rhianna Angus
Prep/1 Happenings
Whispering Our Way to Reading Success in Prep/1!
This week in Prep/1, our Year 1 students have been excited to explore a new learning tool—whisper phones! These simple, hands-free devices allow students to hear their own voices more clearly, helping to improve reading fluency, phonological awareness, and focus.
As you can see from their smiling faces, the whisper phones were a big hit! The students loved using them to practice their reading, and we noticed an increase in their confidence and engagement. With such a positive response, we’ll definitely be making these a regular part of our literacy learning!
Miss Brown,
P/1 Teacher

Year 2/3 Happenings
In our classroom, we've been exploring the Zones of Regulation to help students understand and manage their emotions. With support from our school chaplain, Miss Howie, Miss Allison introduced the Zones House — a special space where students can check in with how they're feeling. This space helps students identify strategies to bring themselves back to the Green Zone — a calm, happy, and ready-to-learn state. It's been wonderful seeing the students grow in their ability to recognize and regulate their emotions!
We've also been preparing for Harmony Day this Friday! This special day celebrates the rich cultural diversity of our country and promotes inclusiveness. As part of our preparations, the students worked together to create a stunning display outside our classroom titled "Together We Create Something Beautiful". It's a lovely reminder of the importance of embracing and celebrating our differences.
We’re looking forward to more learning and growing together over the coming weeks!
Miss Allison,
Year 2/3 Teacher

Year 4/5/6 Happenings
As we move into the final weeks of the term, our Year 4/5/6 students are showcasing their learning through engaging and creative assessment tasks.
In Science, we have been exploring living things, their habitats, and food chains. Students are deepening their understanding by writing a scientific report and bringing their learning to life through a diorama, where they will represent an ecosystem and its key species. This hands-on project allows students to apply their knowledge in a fun and meaningful way. Keep your eyes peeled for our finished products!
In HASS, we are delving into Federation, Colonisation, and Democracy, examining how Australia became a nation and how our government was formed. Through discussions, research, and activities, students are developing a strong understanding of the past and how it has shaped the country we live in today. They will display their learning through an infographic.
It has been fantastic to see the enthusiasm and creativity students are bringing to their work. We can’t wait to see their final projects before Year 5/6 head off to camp in just 2 short weeks!
Miss Rowe,
Year 4/5/6 Teacher

Library News- Miss Margy
Today in our library lesson, we read The Proudest Blue, a beautiful and powerful story about courage, identity, and inclusion. Faizah sees her older sister, Asiya, as a princess in her stunning blue hijab, but not everyone at school understands or reacts kindly. With the loving guidance of their mother and the support of friends, the sisters learn to stand strong in the face of unkind words.
The children found this story both engaging and thought-provoking, sparking meaningful conversations about kindness, respect, and celebrating our differences. This ties in perfectly with Harmony Day, reminding us all—children and parents alike—of the importance of inclusion, understanding, and embracing the unique identities that make our community so special.
Keep Reading Miss Margy!

Reminders & Notices
Uniform Reminder:
Formal Academic - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday & Friday
Senior Shirts (Yr 6 Only) - Wednesday & Friday