Term 2 Week 2 - 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members,
A short week this week for our students and families with ANZAC Day and our additional Pupil Free Day on Friday. Whilst the children will have the day at home, our staff are still here on Friday for Professional Development. As you may have read in previous communications, TCEO has provided our staff with an extra Pupil Free Day this year to familiarise themselves with the newest version of the curriculum. Our Professional Development on Friday will focus on Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum and implementing this in the learning and teaching of English and Mathematics.
Our students, staff and families participated in our ANZAC Day liturgy on Wednesday and it was wonderful to have Mr Bluck return to join us for this special occasion. Mr Bluck was a student, and teacher here at St Francis and now serves in the Australian Army. Throughout the day Mr Bluck visited the classes and shared some insight into his role, the training and what being in the Army means to him. It's safe to safe we now have plenty of little people lining up to be soldiers in the future! A big thank you to Alex for giving his time to visit us!
This week Miss Eriksen is off to the Sunshine Coast to Coach the 13-15 years North West Netball Team. We wish Miss Eriksen all the best and look forward to hearing all about it when she returns next Friday.
We have our first Catholic Identity meeting of the year next week and we invite all of our families to come along. These meetings are to continue building our Catholic Identity and enriching the religious life of the school. We work closely with parents, staff and the parish to foster the growth of our catholic mission here at St Francis. The meeting is at 3pm in the library.
Have a blessed long weekend!
Mrs Sharn Greenaway,
Student Of The Week
P/1 - Jimmy Crozier
2/3/4 - James Moloney
5/6 - Kopelyn Brennan
Prep/1 Happenings
We have been looking at 2D shapes this week in Prep/1! The students used the geo boards to build their shapes and then they had to describe their features. The students did an excellent job creating their shapes!
Miss Brown,
Year 2/3/4 Happenings
Did you know that nearly every school day, 2/3/4 students practise a variety of literacy skills in Literacy groups? Elias, Hayley and Bella are showing you our reading activity, where students practise reading and comprehension based on their PM reading level. Aki is showing you Reading Eggspress, a program for our students to further enhance their reading and comprehension. Sophie, Flynn and Cooper are in the writing activity, where this week they are practising their factual paragraph writing. James, Morgan and Ashin are showing you our Soundwaves booklets, where we practise our spelling skills.
Year 5/6 Happenings
The Year 5/6 students have been investigating the volume and capacity of 3D objects. Exploring the ins and outs of shapes like cubes and cylinders, they've been learning how to measure and calculate the volume and convert this to the capacity it will hold. Through a hands-on investigation using different shapes and sizes of containers, students worked out the volume of their container and filled it with sand or water to find the capacity.
Miss Rowe,
Specialist Lessons- Miss Eriksen
This term in Health, the students are exploring feelings through the resilience project. The resilience project aims to help support students in building skills to become resilient through the strategies of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. In 2/3/4 we made gratitude hearts to show examples of all of the things in our life that we are grateful for.
Reminders & Notices
Uniform Reminder:
Formal Academic - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday & Friday
Senior Shirts (Yr 6 Only) - Wednesday & Friday
Important Dates
Thursday's from 8:00am-8:20am, Breakfast Club